Solutions Overview
Solutions Overview
Discovery and data stitching
Traditionally, CSPs use multiple systems from different vendors in their OSS solution, making it costly to build and maintain. Our solution provides a single system for the entire network assurance and fulfillment software stack. Resources are discovered directly from the NE or through EMS/NMS, then enriched and enhanced to form an accurate and dynamic inventory, serving as the data foundation for all OSS functions. The discovery results are then integrated to form a network digital twin.

FM Solution
Events received from the network elements or EMS/NMS passively or actively are filtered and mapped to alarms, which are then enriched and enhanced using the accurate inventory. These alarms are subsequently sent to advanced FM analysis engines, such as RCA, SIA, Auto-TT, and self-healing systems.
PM Solution
Counters are configured based on device type and polled at user-defined intervals. Measurements of the network or services (KPI, KQI, QoE, QoS, etc.) are calculated from these counters. TCA, spike, drop, flat, and anomaly detections are defined on these measurements based on device type and user-defined filtering. Both counters and measurements are sent to our Data Analysis and Reporting Tool (DART) for analysis and reporting, which can then be directly used to configure dashboards.

CM Solution
Network equipment is configured with initial settings using templates once they areconnected to the network. Throughout their service life, configurations are modified based on CSP service needs, fault healing, and network reorganization.
Advanced OSS Solution
Beyond the foundational OSS functions, a suite of advanced capabilities is constructed, encompassing Root Cause Analysis (RCA), Service Impact Analysis (SIA), automation, closed-loop processes, analytical insights, reporting, dashboards, self-optimizing (self-x), and zero-touch (zero-x) functionalities. Leveraging the comprehensive and precise data amassed from discovery, Fault Management (FM), Performance Management (PM), and Configuration Management (CM), these sophisticated features are developed to ensure CSP network operations are fully automated.

Automation And Autonomy Solutions
Scenarios encountered in telecommunications are dissected into specific tasks within the aforementioned areas and are automated with closed-loop intelligence, facilitating extremely rapid (seconds to minutes) problem resolution or prevention. This paves the way for the short-term automation of telco operations and sets the stage for mid- to long-term network autonomy.